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  1.  33
    Notes on Propertius, Books III and IV.S. J. Heyworth - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (01):199-.
    I offer further notes on the text of Propertius. In the apparatus Ω is employed to indicate the archetype, i.e. the consensus of N and two separate groups of humanistic manuscripts that I denote by the letters Π and Λ. The Π MSS derive from a lost manuscript of Petrarch, itself copied from the manuscript A . The Λ MSS are largely a group isolated by J. L. Butrica , which derive from a third medieval source discovered by Poggio and (...)
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  2.  44
    Deceitful Crete: Aeneid 3.84. and the Hymns of Callimachus.S. J. Heyworth - 1993 - Classical Quarterly 43 (01):255-.
    Early in Aeneid 3 Aeneas visits Delos and approaches the temple of Apollo with a request for advice on the destination for which the refugees should head. There is an immediate response to his questions : uix ea fatus eram: tremere omnia uisa repente, liminaque laurusque dei, totusque moueri mons circum et mugire adytis cortina reclusis.
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  3.  17
    Horace's Second Epode.S. J. Heyworth - 1988 - American Journal of Philology 109 (1).
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  4.  9
    Lutatius catulus, callimachus and plautus' bacchides.S. J. Heyworth - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):390-395.
    Aulus Gellius records an epigram of the Roman consul Q. Lutatius Catulus :Aufugit mi animus; credo, ut solet, ad Theotimumdeuenit. sic est, perfugium illud habet.quid si non interdixem, ne illunc fugitiuummitteret ad se intro, sed magis eiceret?ibimu' quaesitum. uerum ne ipsi teneamurformido. quid ago? da, Venu', consilium.
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  5.  33
    Notes on Propertius Books I and II.S. J. Heyworth - 1984 - Classical Quarterly 34 (02):394-.
    I offer some notes on the text of Propertius. In the apparatus to individual passages Ω is employed to indicate the archetype, i.e. the consensus of N and A. Only two quires of A are extant, and after 2. 1. 63 its place is taken by descendants: F, L and P. These derive more immediately from a manuscript of Petrarch , copied from A in the Sorbonne in 1333, and now lost. The delta mss. I discard; they are too interpolated (...)
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  6.  39
    The Teubner Propertius.S. J. Heyworth - 1985 - The Classical Review 35 (02):281-.
  7.  13
    Paralipomena Euripidea.David Kovacs, Trevor J. Quinn, S. J. Heyworth, M. Gwyn Morgan & R. S. P. Beekes - 1995 - Mnemosyne 48 (4):565-581.
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  8.  92
    Aids to the Study of Propertius - Paolo Fedeli: Propertius. Codex Guelferbytanus Gudianus 224 olim Neapolitanus. Pp. xiv+142 plates. Assisi: Accademia Properziana del Subasio, 1985. Paper, L. 25,000. - P. Fedeli, P. Pinotti: Bibliografia Properziana (1946–1983). (Atti Accademia Properziana del Subasio, VI, 9.) Pp. 116. Assisi: Accademia Properziana del Subasio, 1985. Paper, L. 20,000. [REVIEW]S. J. Heyworth - 1986 - The Classical Review 36 (1):48-50.
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  9.  38
    Catullus and Heroides 1 - (D.S.) McKie Essays in the Interpretation of Roman Poetry. Pp. xii + 307. Cambridge: Cambridge Classical Press, 2009. Paper, £20. ISBN: 978-0-85455-042-5. [REVIEW]S. J. Heyworth - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (2):493-496.
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  10.  39
    Spelling and punctuation in catullus. M. bonvicini il novus libellus di catullo. Trasmissione Del testo, problematicità Della grafia E Dell'interpunzione. Pp. 183, ills. Cesena: Stilgraf editrice, 2012. Paper, €32. Isbn: 978-88-96240-15-1. [REVIEW]S. J. Heyworth - 2015 - The Classical Review 65 (2):442-444.
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  11. The Manuscript Tradition of Propertius James L. Butrica: The Manuscript Tradition of Propertius. (Phoenix, Suppl. 17.) Pp. xviii + 366; 4 plates. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984. £36. [REVIEW]S. J. Heyworth - 1986 - The Classical Review 36 (01):45-48.
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